

This table contains a list of attributetypes.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id serial 10 nextval('system.attributetype_id_seq'::regclass)
attribute.attributetype_id fk_attr_attrtype R
attribute_cidr.attributetype_id fk_attrcidr_attrtype R
attribute.attributetype_id fk_attr_attrtype R
attribute_cidr.attributetype_id fk_attrcidr_attrtype R
device_attribute.attributetype_id fk_devattr_attrtype R
attribute.attributetype_id fk_attr_attrtype R
attribute_cidr.attributetype_id fk_attrcidr_attrtype R
device_attribute.attributetype_id fk_devattr_attrtype R

Unique identifier for attributetype record

type text 2147483647 null

Value of attributetype. Example: target, dnsname, any label for custom attribute or device centric attribute/tag. Custom defined (zone level as well as device level) label gets normalized into this column.

system bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if an attributetype is system defined type. System defined attribute types are present out of the box. Example: target, trusted, avoid, dnsname, ASname

userdefined bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if an attributetype is added by user. This flag supports zone specific custom attributes and is set to true for zone level as well as device level custom attribute (labels)

devicetag bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if an attributetype is used for adding custom attributes to device. This flag supports device specific custom attributes and is set to true for device level custom attribute name(labels)

Table contained 10 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
pk_attrtype Primary key Asc id
idx_attributetype_system Performance Asc system
idx_attributetype_userdefined Performance Asc userdefined
uk_attrtype Must be unique Asc type
