

Data about every Spectre system that is connected to this system is recorded. There is only one entry per system, no matter what the system does.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id serial 10 nextval('system.system_id_seq'::regclass)
displayinfo.system_id fk_displayinfo_system C
interface.system_id fk_interface_system C

The local system will always have an id of 1, and thus the entry can be determined if it the local system by checking to make sure its id is 1. All other systems will have an id greater than 1.

uuid text 2147483647 null

System UUID as reported by 'dmidecode -s system-uuid' on systems that support it, otherwise a random uuid from /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid (written once), and is RFC4122 compliant.

name text 2147483647 null

System name that is specified by the user upon initilization of the box.

version text 2147483647 null

Current version of Spectre software that the system is running.

connection text 2147483647 null

Tracks how this system connects to the remote system. If an IP address or hostname is present, this system is the connection initiator. If there is no data in this column, the remote system will connect to this system. The field is populated with the value that is entered when connecting a system, whether that be an IP or hostname.

lastconnection timestamp 29,6 null

Current time on local server whenever the WebSocket connection is established

type text 2147483647 null

System type of the remote system.

Table contained 1 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
pk_system Primary key Asc id
uk_system_name Must be unique Asc name
uk_system_uuid Must be unique Asc uuid
