

Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id serial 10 nextval('warehouse.filemon_config_id_seq'::regclass)
filemon.configid filemon_configid_fkey C Implied Constraint R

A unique ID for this configuration row

path text 2147483647 null

Modified glob pattern to monitor path. Use '**' to match any path including '/'

targetdatabase text 2147483647 null

The target database into which this data should be ingested. May be aliased (see warehouse.database_info)

targetschema text 2147483647 null

The target schema into which this data should be ingested. May be aliased (see warehouse.schema_info)

targettable text 2147483647 null

The target table into which this data should be ingested

pipelinename text 2147483647 null

The pipeline to use for ingestion. Leave empty to use the default (first) pipeline in the parser spec

pollintervalseconds int4 10 0

Specify the polling interval in seconds to scan for new files. If zero (default) then file change event monitoring is enabled. If last polled files are still being processed then the scanning is deferred to next scan interval.

fingerprintlength int4 10 256

Length of content to use for computing the fingerprint (Default: 256 bytes)

Table contained 6 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
filemon_config_pkey Primary key Asc id
uk_fm_config Must be unique Asc/Asc/Asc path + targetschema + targettable
