

Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
uuid uuid 2147483647 gen_random_uuid()
macro.id_schema macro_id_schema_fkey C
managed_table.id_schema managed_table_id_schema_fkey C
saved_query.id_schema saved_query_id_schema_fkey C
name text 2147483647 null

The actual name of this schema

alias text 2147483647 null

An alias for this schema that may be found in legacy DDL files

partition_name text 2147483647 null
is_default bool 1 false

True if this is the default schema for a given database

id_owned_by uuid 2147483647 null
user.uuid schema_info_id_owned_by_fkey R
id_database uuid 2147483647 null
database_info.uuid schema_info_id_database_fkey C

Table contained 12 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
schema_info_pkey Primary key Asc uuid
uk_md_schema Must be unique Asc id_database
uk_md_schema_alias Must be unique
