

This table contains additional information for devices that has been derived as a result of various responses. It is parent table that is partitioned over zone schema. Values for all the columns in this table can be calculated from other tables in the schema. Purpose of this table is to provide faster fetch results for reports as well as target queries. One device record will always have 1 corresponding record in this table.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id serial 10 nextval('zone.device_values_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for device_values record

zone_id int4 10 null fk_devval_zone R

Zone Id of a device_values record. It maps to

device_id int4 10 null fk_devval_dev C

Id of a device this record belongs to. It maps to

target bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if given device is targeted for this zone (as part of any collector). Set to true if targeted, false otherwise. By targeted, it means that the device is set under Zone->Discovery Spaces->Target List.

known bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if given device is known for this zone. Set to true if known, false otherwise. By known, it means that the device is set under Zone->Zone Network->Known List.

internal bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if given device is internal for this zone. Set to true if internal, false otherwise. By internal, it means that the device is set under Zone->Zone Network->Internal List.

trusted bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if given device is trusted for this zone. Set to true if trusted, false otherwise. By trusted, it means that the device is set under Zone->Zone Network->Eligible List.

forwarder bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if given device is a forwarder. Set to true if it is forwarder, false otherwise.

perimeter bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if given device is a perimeter device. Set to true if device is internal and contains a link to another device that is not internal, false otherwise.

snmpresponder bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if given device responded to snmpDiscovery scan type. Set to true if it responded to snmpDiscovery, false otherwise.

hasresponses bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if given device has any responses recorded. Set to true if there is any entry in device_response for this device, false otherwise.

hastraces bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if given device responded to pathDiscovery scan type. Set to true if it responded to pathDiscovery, false otherwise.

leakinbound bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if given device responded to inboundLeak scan type. Set to true if it responded to inboundLeak, false otherwise.

leakoutbound bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if given device responded to outboundLeak scan type. Set to true if it responded to outboundLeak, false otherwise.

l3hosts int4 10 0

Indicates number of layer3 hosts this device is connected to. In other words, there are l3hosts number of layer3 edges between this device and other devices that are hosts.

l3peers int2 5 0

Indicates number of layer3 nodes this device is connected to. In other words, there are l3peers number of layer3 edges between this device and other devices that are not hosts.

l2hosts int4 10 0

Indicates number of layer2 hosts this device is connected to. In other words, there are l2hosts number of layer2 edges between this device and other devices that are hosts.

l2peers int2 5 0

Indicates number of layer2 nodes this device is connected to. In other words, there are l2peers number of layer2 edges between this device and other devices that are not hosts.

devicetype text 2147483647 null

Indicates devicetype of this device. For the most up to date and accurate devicetype info, use device_match table.

os text 2147483647 null

Indicates operating system of this device. For the most up to date and accurate operating system info, use device_match table.

version text 2147483647 null

Indicates version of this device. For the most up to date and accurate version info, use device_match table.

model text 2147483647 null

Indicates model of this device. For the most up to date and accurate model info, use device_match table.

vendor text 2147483647 null

Indicates vendor of this device. For the most up to date and accurate vendor info, use device_match table.

Table contained 0 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
pk_devval Primary key Asc id
idx_device_values_devid Performance Asc device_id
uk_devval Must be unique Asc/Asc zone_id + device_id
