

This is a static table that contains mapping of internal scan/discovery types (Records that are in zone.scantype) into more generic discovery types. It is used for Discovery Statistics By Discovery Types report. Mapping from internal scan types to alias is as follows: hostDiscovery | Host snmpDetails | SNMP snmpDiscovery | SNMP snmpDetails | SNMP bgpDiscovery | BGP broadcastDiscovery | Broadcast dns | DNS cifs | CIFS epdLeak | EPD Leak httpDetails | HTTP inboundLeak | Inbound outboundLeak | Outbound ospfDiscovery | OSPF pathDiscovery | Path tcpPorts | Port tcpProfile | Profile


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
scantype text 2147483647 null

Internal scantype value that maps to scantype.type

phase int4 10 null
alias text 2147483647 null

Alias for scantype that gets displayed on UI for Discovery Statistics By Discovery Types report.

Table contained 19 rows