

This table contains all the certificates for a zone that have been discovered. It is parent table that is partitioned over zone schema.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id serial 10 nextval('zone.certificatepath_id_seq'::regclass)
certificate.issuer_id fk_cert_issuer R
certificate.subject_id fk_cert_subject R
certificatepath_pattern.certificatepath_id fk_certpath_pattern_certpath C

Unique identifier for certificatepath record

zone_id int4 10 null
zone.id fk_certificatepath_zone R

Zone Id for the certificatepath record

path text 2147483647 null

Certificate text that is received in the response.

time timestamptz 35,6 transaction_timestamp()

Timestamp when this record was created/updated.

Table contained 0 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
pk_certificatepath Primary key Asc id
uk_certificatepath Must be unique Asc path
