

This is a static table that contains Unique scan/discovery types for Spectre systems. Valid values are pathDiscovery, hostDiscovery, inboundLeak, outboundLeak, epdLeak, snmpDetails, snmpDiscovery, cifs, tcpPorts, tcpProfile, broadcastDiscovery, httpDetails, ospfDiscovery, bgpDiscovery, dns, external. This table gets loaded as part of initial database load


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id serial 10 nextval('zone.scantype_id_seq'::regclass)
device_response.scantype_id fk_device_response_scantype R
target.scantype_id fk_target_scantype R
target_highpriority.scantype_id fk_target_hp_scantype R
device_response.scantype_id fk_device_response_scantype R
target.scantype_id fk_target_scantype R
target_highpriority.scantype_id fk_target_hp_scantype R

Unique identifier for scantype record

scantype text 2147483647 null

Value for scan type.

Table contained 20 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
pk_scantype Primary key Asc id
uk_scantype Must be unique Asc scantype
