

Table Type Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Comments
mapnode Table label text 2147483647 null

Label value for mapnode record.

scantype Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.scantype_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for scantype record

profiles View confidence int4 10 null
target_hist Table details text 2147483647 null
snmpaliasgroup Table name text 2147483647 null

Unique name for snmpaliasgroup record. Currently, Spectre has only one snmpaliasgroup name and is called common

cloudalias Table alias text 2147483647 null

Alias given for this credentials. This is the value that gets displayed on UI

profiledata Table zone_id int4 10 null
nackcandidate Table scantype_id int4 10 null
updates Table type text 2147483647 null
interface_route Table nexthop inet 2147483647 null

Next hop for this route.

mapnode Table ycoord float4 8 null

Y coordinate value for mapnode record.

route Table target bool 1 null

Boolean indicating if given route is in targeted CIDR list for any collectors of this zone. Targeted CIDR list represents CIDRs set in Discovery Spaces => Target List table. Set to true if it is targeted, false otherwise

routeprotocol Table protocol text 2147483647 null

Value for protocol.

attributes View ip inet 2147483647 null

The IP Address of the device for which the attribute is saved.

edge Table interface_id1 int4 10 null
profiles View attribute text 2147483647 null
target_highpriority Table batchid int4 10 null
path Table protocols _text 2147483647 null
device_attribute Table last_update timestamp 29 now()

The most recent time when a device has responded with given attribute. It gets updated with curren timestamp everytime device response is received for an attribute.

path Table hops _inet 2147483647 null
device_ports Table device_id int4 10 null

Id of a device this record belongs to. It maps to

interface_host Table vlans _int4 10 null

Array of vlans for given interface host. device->interface->switchInfo->vlans gets normalized here.

device_pattern Table pattern_id int4 10 null

Id of pattern that contains a match for given device response record. It maps to

updatetargetspace_log Table parameters _text 2147483647 null

Parameters passed in for update target processing. Possible parameters are onlyDeletes and verification

target_hist Table collector_id int4 10 null
device_values Table forwarder bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if given device is a forwarder. Set to true if it is forwarder, false otherwise.

path Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.path_id_seq'::regclass)
snmpalias Table credential text 2147483647 null

Credentials for snmpalias record. Credentials are stored in following format. <version of credential(either v2 or v3)>:alias name:encoded credentials.

target_hist Table scantype_id int4 10 null
device_attribute Table attributetype_id int4 10 null

Id that denotes what type of attribute this record indicates. It maps to column. Example values for attributetypes - cifsName, sysDescr, serialNumber.

device_match Table pattern_id int4 10 null

Id of pattern that contains a match for given profile type record. It maps to

interface Table iftable_id int4 10 null
device_values Table snmpresponder bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if given device responded to snmpDiscovery scan type. Set to true if it responded to snmpDiscovery, false otherwise.

attributes View attribute text 2147483647 null

The value for the system attribute

device Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.device_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for device record

certificatepath_pattern Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id for the certificatepath_pattern record

protocol Table protocol text 2147483647 null

Value of protocol. Valid values are arp, udp, icmp, snmp, snmpv2, tcp, dns, http, https, cifs, dhcp

device Table meta bool 1 false

Boolean flag that indicates whether this device was discovered and has gone through any type of consolidation. Value of false means that the device was discovered and has not gone through any consolidation. Value of true means it was consolidated as part of another discovery.

route Table internal bool 1 null

Boolean indicating if given route is in internal CIDR list for this zone. Internal CIDR list represents CIDRs set in Zone Networks => Internal List.Set to true if it is internal, false otherwise

device_response Table ports _int4 10 null

List of ports (if any) that constituted this response. For example, for cifs response, it will be set to 445, for host response coming from dns, it will be set to 53. This column is only populated for httpDetails, hostDiscovery and cifs. Device->response->ports get normalized in this column. It contains all the list of ports a device has received response from for a given scan type and protocol at any given point in time.

attribute Table attributetype_id int4 10 null

Id that denotes what type of attribute this record indicates. It maps to column. Example values for attributetypes - cifsName, sysDescr, ASName, SerialNumber, known, avoid. For complete list, please see system.attributetype table.

links View layer text 2147483647 null
device_snmpalias Table last_update timestamp 29 now()

The most recent time when a device has responded with given alias. It gets updated with current timestamp everytime a device response is received for an SNMP alias.

target Table batchid int4 10 null

A serial number that gets inserted each time a collector is given list of targets. It contains nextval('zone.target_batch_id').

target Table scantype_id int4 10 null

Scan Type / Discovery Type Id for target record. It maps to

profiles View device_id int4 10 null
portgroup Table name text 2147483647 null

Unique name for portgroup record. Values for name are, common, vulnerable, infectious. Please note that at the moment only vulnerable and infectious groups are used in discovery.

device_match Table attribute_id int4 10 null

Id of an attribute/value for given match record. It maps to profile.attribute. All values for profile.attribute comes from pattern->attribute value of patterns.xml

mapnode Table height float4 8 null

Height value for mapnode record.

device Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id of a device record. Since zone.device table is a parent table for all partitioned (by zone_id) tables, same IP Address can be found while querying zone.device table for different zone_id. It maps to column

interface_host Table interface_id int4 10 null

Id of interface that contains this interface host.

interface Table vlans _int4 10 null
links View device1 text 2147483647 null
profiles View expression text 2147483647 null
attribute_cidr Table attributetype_id int4 10 null

Id of attribute type. Maps to

profiledata Table timestamp timestamp 29 transaction_timestamp()
interface_route Table route cidr 2147483647 null

Route for this interface_route record. Same value can be found from for matching route_id but it is inserted here as a form of denormalization for faster data retrieval.

profiles View identity text 2147483647 null
attributes View identity text 2147483647 null
link Table device_id2 int4 10 null

To Device Id for link record. It maps to

device_response Table collector_id int4 10 null

Collector Id of a device this record belongs to. It maps to

device_cloudalias Table device_id int4 10 null

Id of a device this record belongs to. It maps to

interface Table rootport bool 1 null

Rootport of interface. It is normalized from device->interface->index->switchInfo->rootPort.

device_values Table vendor text 2147483647 null

Indicates vendor of this device. For the most up to date and accurate vendor info, use device_match table.

targetm Table device_id int4 10 null
interface Table trunk bool 1 null

Trunk of interface. It is normalized from device->interface->switchInfo->trunkPort.

device_values Table devicetype text 2147483647 null

Indicates devicetype of this device. For the most up to date and accurate devicetype info, use device_match table.

links View device_id1 int4 10 null
protocol_numbers Table keyword text 2147483647 null
nackcandidate Table collector_id int4 10 null
device_certificate Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id of a device_certificate record. It maps to column

acknowledgeddevice Table device_id int4 10 null
nackcandidate Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.nackcandidate_id_seq'::regclass)
interface Table description text 2147483647 null

Description of interface. It is normalized from device->interface->description.

device_values Table device_id int4 10 null

Id of a device this record belongs to. It maps to

snmpalias Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.snmpalias_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for snmpalias record

cloudalias Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.cloudalias_id_seq'::regclass)

unique identifier for cloudalias record

device_pattern Table port_match bool 1 null

A boolean flag that is set to true if pattern that matched is result of match against services. Services patterns are the ones that are based on certain ports being open. So, if we find open ports and they match with any patterns, port_match is set to true

device_values Table leakoutbound bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if given device responded to outboundLeak scan type. Set to true if it responded to outboundLeak, false otherwise.

interface_route Table routetype_id int4 10 null

Route Type id. Maps to

device_values Table version text 2147483647 null

Indicates version of this device. For the most up to date and accurate version info, use device_match table.

linkset Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id for linkset record. It maps to

path Table collector_id int4 10 null
interface_address Table interface_id int4 10 null

Id of interface that contains this interface address.

result Table result text 2147483647 null
profiles View parent_id int4 10 null
attribute_cidr Table hasresponses bool 1 false

Boolean flag set to true or false indicating if CIDR (in cidrval column) contains any device that has any responses recorded. Set to true if there is any entry in device_response for any device containing this CIDR record, false otherwise

target_highpriority Table cidrval cidr 2147483647 null
macvendor_pattern Table pattern_id int4 10 null

Pattern Id for macvendor_pattern record. It maps to

acknowledgeddevice Table created_time timestamp 29 now()
device_vendor View device_id int4 10 null
profiledata_pattern Table profiledata_id int4 10 null

Profiledata Id for profiledata_pattern record. It maps to

device_values Table trusted bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if given device is trusted for this zone. Set to true if trusted, false otherwise. By trusted, it means that the device is set under Zone->Zone Network->Eligible List.

updatetargetspace_log Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.updatetargetspace_log_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for updatetargetspace_log record

profiledata Table hash text 2147483647 null

MD5 hash of the (normalized) data column

firemon_risk_range Table start1 int4 10 null
protocol Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.protocol_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for protocol record

targetm Table collector_id int4 10 null
device_vendor View vendor text 2147483647 null
target_shadow Table collector_id int4 10 null

Collector Id for target record. It maps to however, there is no foreign key relation specified for this column.

target_shadow Table detailsold text 2147483647 null

Used to store target speicfic metadata. It holds extra configuration values that are being used by collectors. A non null value indicates update and holds details column value from target table prior to update. A null value indicates that this record was an insert.

iftable_vlan Table vlan int4 10 null

Vlan number.

link Table linkset_id int4 10 null

Linkset Id for link record. It maps to It identifies whether this link is host or node and whether it is representing layer2 link or layer3 link

interface_address Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id for interface address record.

config Table key text 2147483647 null

Key represents collector configuration information. Each key is unique for a given collector_id and zone_id record. For specific scantype, the key is represented as . For example pathDiscovery.udp or snmpDiscovery.enabled

updates Table fields hstore 2147483647 null
interface_host Table device_id int4 10 null

Device Id of MAC that is host for this interface.

mapnode Table acknowledged_time timestamp 29 now()

Timestamp when given map node record was acknowledged. Set only if mapnode.acknowledged is set to true.

device_values Table target bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if given device is targeted for this zone (as part of any collector). Set to true if targeted, false otherwise. By targeted, it means that the device is set under Zone->Discovery Spaces->Target List.

updatetargetspace_log Table last_run timestamp 29 now()

Time when update target was run for this reord

profiledata Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.profiledata_id_seq'::regclass)
scantype_alias Table alias text 2147483647 null

Alias for scantype that gets displayed on UI for Discovery Statistics By Discovery Types report.

certificatepath Table path text 2147483647 null

Certificate text that is received in the response.

snmpalias Table alias text 2147483647 null

Alias given for this credentials. This is the value that gets displayed on UI

target_hist Table expandedconfig text 2147483647 null
device_snmpalias Table snmpalias_id int4 10 null

Id of a snmpalias this record belongs to. It maps to

target_hist Table ordid float4 8 random()
target_highpriority Table collector_id int4 10 null
macvendor_pattern Table macvendor_id int4 10 null

MacVendor id for macvendor_pattern record. It maps to

device_response Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.device_response_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for device response record

attributeconfig View cidrval cidr 2147483647 null

This column stores the value of the CIDR

target_shadow Table device_id int4 10 null

Device Id for target record. It maps to however, there is no foreign key relation specified for this column.

certificate Table startdate timestamp 29 null

Start date for the certificate

device_cloudalias Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id of a device_cloudalias record. It maps to

snmpalias Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id for snmpalias record. It maps to

interface_route Table routeprotocol_id int4 10 null

Router Protocol id. Maps to

targetm Table scantype_id int4 10 null
device_ports Table closed_times hstore 2147483647 null

Key value pairs with port number and timestamp when port was reported closed. Sample values - "21"=>"25048310", "23"=>"25048310", "25"=>"25048310"≠

interface_address Table ip inet 2147483647 null

IP address of interface.

device_snmpalias Table device_id int4 10 null

Id of a device this record belongs to. It maps to

map Table description text 2147483647 null
path Table hash text 2147483647 null
target_shadow Table scantype_id int4 10 null

Scan Type / Discovery Type Id for target record. It maps to however, there is no foreign key relation specified for this column.

target_shadow Table cidrval cidr 2147483647 null

Actual IP/CIDR that needs to be targeted. Having value in this record avoids extra joins with attribute_cidr, device or route tables.

updatetargetspace_log Table message text 2147483647 null

Status message indicating start and completion for update target processing

device_pattern Table macvendor_id int4 10 null

Id of pattern that contains a match for given profile type record. It contains a non null value for all matches resulted from macvendor. It maps to

target_highpriority Table route_id int4 10 null
attribute_cidr Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.attribute_cidr_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for attribute_cidr record

device Table maclastobserved timestamptz 35 now()

Timestamp of the last time this MAC/IP pairing was seen. This will be used to potentially time out the MAC address for this device (which might occur if the device picks up its address via DHCP and moves from one subnet to another on the network)

device_wmialias Table last_update timestamp 29 now()

The most recent time when a device has responded with given WMI alias. It gets updated with current timestamp everytime a device response for WMI discovery is received for an alias.

target_hist Table last_target timestamp 29 null
targetm Table zone_id int4 10 null
device_vendor View vendor_source text 2147483647 null
target_shadow Table cidr_id int4 10 null

CIDR Id for target record. For each target CIDR entry, there will be one entry for host/path for collector that has host or path configured. It maps to however, there is no foreign key relation specified for this column.

device_vendor View mac text 2147483647 null
mapnode Table acknowledged bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if this map node has being acknowledged.

map Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.map_id_seq'::regclass)
attribute_cidr Table cidrval cidr 2147483647 null

CIDR value for attribute_cidr record

targetm Table config text 2147483647 null
device_certificate Table certificate_id int4 10 null

Unique identifier for certificat record. It maps to

firemon_risk_range Table end1 int4 10 null
device_attribute Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id of a device_attribute record. It maps to column

links View name1 text 2147483647 null
device Table device_id int4 10 null

Parent Id of a device. parent child relationship is implemented with self join to device table. If this field is not null, it indicates that this device is a child device and that matches up with this zone.device.device_id is parent of this child.

attribute_cidr Table timestamp timestamp 29 now()

Timestamp when this record was created/updated.

attribute_cidr Table attribute_id int4 10 null

Id of attribute value. Maps to

device_attribute Table attribute_id int4 10 null

Id of attribute this mapping represents. It maps to

protocol_numbers Table decimal int4 10 null
iftable Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id for interface table entry

edge Table layer int4 10 null
target_highpriority Table device_id int4 10 null
certificate Table chainorder int4 10 null
target_hist Table cidrval cidr 2147483647 null
iftable_vlan Table iftable_id int4 10 null

Iftable Id for iftable_vlan record. It maps to There is a one to many relationship between iftable id and vlan hence same iftable id can have multiple records for different vlan info

attributes View type_id int4 10 null

Id for system attribute. This maps to

device_ports Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id of a device_ports record. It maps to

certificatepath Table time timestamp 29 transaction_timestamp()

Timestamp when this record was created/updated.

certificate Table expiredate timestamp 29 null

Expiration date of the certificate

certificatepath Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.certificatepath_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for certificatepath record

target Table ordid float4 8 random()

A Random value used to distribute targets. When collector requests next set of targets, query performs order by ordid before returning target list

interface_host Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id for interface host record.

iftable_vlan Table name text 2147483647 null

Name of vlan

device_values Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.device_values_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for device_values record

map Table title text 2147483647 null
attributeconfig View type text 2147483647 null

Indicates the type of CIDR. Default values are set as follows: type is set to target if CIDR belongs to Discovery Spaces => Target List type is set to avoid if CIDR belongs to Discovery Spaces => Avoid List type is set to stop if CIDR belongs to Discovery Spaces => Stop List type is set to trusted if CIDR belongs to Zone Networks => Eligible List type is set to known if CIDR belongs to Zone Networks => Known List type is set to internal if CIDR belongs to Zone Networks => Internal List type is set to user-defined Label when user adds a Custom Attribute

device_values Table unknownroutes int4 10 0

Not being used or populated.

interface_route Table last_update timestamp 29 now()

Timestamp when this record was created/updated

nackcandidate Table ip inet 2147483647 null
route Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id for route record. It maps to

interface_route Table aspath _int4 10 null

AS Path for this route.

profiledata Table rawdata text 2147483647 null

The raw (unnormalized) profile data

map Table type text 2147483647 null
device_wmialias Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id of a device_wmialias record. It maps to

iftable Table contenthash text 2147483647 null

Content hash of interface data that is constructed by concatenating interface index, description, name, alias, adminstatus, opstatus, physical address, addresses, vlan, voicevlan, switchinto port, switchinfo rootport, switchinfo trunkport, switchinfo vlans, switchinfo hosts acrosss all incoming interface infomation. It is used to perform a check to decide if any further update on interface is needed or not. For an incoming response, if a hash in iftable machtes with response's hash but contenthash doesn't match, ( Any of the attributes that calculates content hash has changed since last time we got response ) appropariate updates to iftable, interface and interface_hosts are made, else that procesing is skipped. Contenthash will be empty when iftable entry represents device level route processing.

profiles View mac macaddr 2147483647 null
interface Table adminstatus int4 10 null

AdminStatus of interface. It is normalized from device->interface->adminStatus.

links View name2 text 2147483647 null
attribute Table attribute text 2147483647 null

Value of discovered meta data/attribute.

device_response Table scantype_id int4 10 null

Scan Type Id of a device this record belongs to. It maps to

device_values Table hasresponses bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if given device has any responses recorded. Set to true if there is any entry in device_response for this device, false otherwise.

iftable_vlan Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id for iftable_vlan record

cloudalias Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id for cloudalias record. It maps to

interface_route Table asnum int4 10 null

AS Number for this route.

target_shadow Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id for target record. It maps to however, there is no foreign key relation specified for this column.

profiledata_pattern Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id for profiledata_pattern record. It maps to

map Table created_time timestamp 29 now()
device Table enterprise_id int4 10 null
device_response Table protocol_id int4 10 null

Protocol Id of a device this record belongs to. It maps to

listsize_by_zone_view View zone_id int4 10 null
device_values Table perimeter bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if given device is a perimeter device. Set to true if device is internal and contains a link to another device that is not internal, false otherwise.

result Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.result_id_seq'::regclass)
device_values Table l2hosts int4 10 0

Indicates number of layer2 hosts this device is connected to. In other words, there are l2hosts number of layer2 edges between this device and other devices that are hosts.

target_shadow Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.target_shadow_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for target_shadow record

device_values Table known bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if given device is known for this zone. Set to true if known, false otherwise. By known, it means that the device is set under Zone->Zone Network->Known List.

target_highpriority Table zone_id int4 10 null
profiles View type text 2147483647 null
mapnode Table width float4 8 null

Width value for mapnode record.

target_highpriority Table scantype_id int4 10 null
profiles View zone_id int4 10 null
route Table trusted bool 1 null

Boolean indicating if given route is in eligible CIDR list for this zone. Eligible CIDR list represents CIDRs set in Zone Networks => Eligible List.Set to true if it is eligible, false otherwise

target_highpriority Table last_target timestamp 29 null
device Table lastobserved timestamp 29 now()

Timestamp a device was last observed. Timestamp refers to timestamp/timezone of database server. It gets updated each time a response is received for this device. Note: Each time a response is received and processed for a device, lastobserved gets current timestamp and active gets set to true.

map Table preferences text 2147483647 null
interface_route Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id for interface_route record.

profiledata Table data text 2147483647 null

The normalized profile data. At least converted to lower case and non printable characters are deleted or escaped.

links View zoneid int4 10 null
interface_route Table route_id int4 10 null

Id of route. It maps to

updatetargetspace_log Table count int4 10 null

Number of records that got impacted by this run and action.

attribute_cidr Table collector_id int4 10 null

Collector Id. Maps to

map Table created_by int4 10 null
profile_translation Table content_id int4 10 null

Content Id for profiledatatype record.

device_profiledata Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id of a device_profiledata record. It maps to

iftable Table iphash text 2147483647 null

Not being used.

wmialias Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.wmialias_id_seq'::regclass)

unique identifier for wmialias record

profile_translation Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id for profiledatatype record

attributes View mac macaddr 2147483647 null

The MAC Address of the device for which the attribute is saved.

target_highpriority Table details text 2147483647 null
device_vendor View enterprise text 2147483647 null
portgroup Table ports _int4 10 null

Array of port numbers for given portgroup record.

certificate Table issuer_id int4 10 null

Id for data referencing certificate issuer. It maps to

device_values Table l3peers int2 5 0

Indicates number of layer3 nodes this device is connected to. In other words, there are l3peers number of layer3 edges between this device and other devices that are not hosts.

device_values Table routes int4 10 0

Not being used or populated.

device_vendor View profiled text 2147483647 null
scantype_alias Table scantype text 2147483647 null

Internal scantype value that maps to scantype.type

path Table targetcidrs _cidr 2147483647 null
iftable Table bridgeaddress macaddr 2147483647 null

Bridge address of an interface table. It is normalized from device->bridgeAddress. It will be null when iftable entry represents device level route processing.

snmpaliasgroup Table aliases _text 2147483647 null

Array of credentials for given snmpaliasgroup record.

device_ports Table closed _int4 10 null

List of all ports that are reported closed for a device. Please see table description for more information.

cloudalias Table aliasorder bigserial 19 nextval('zone.cloudalias_collector_order_seq'::regclass)

Used to order aliases, use the default, do not write directly

target Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.target_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for target record

mapnode Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id for mapnode record. It maps to

link Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.link_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for link record

wmialias Table credential text 2147483647 null

Credentials for wmialias record. Credentials are stored in following format: alias name:domain:encoded credentials.

device_values Table model text 2147483647 null

Indicates model of this device. For the most up to date and accurate model info, use device_match table.

device_certificate Table device_id int4 10 null

Id for device record. It maps to

device_values Table os text 2147483647 null

Indicates operating system of this device. For the most up to date and accurate operating system info, use device_match table.

target Table cidrval cidr 2147483647 null

Actual IP/CIDR that needs to be targeted. Having value in this record avoids extra joins with attribute_cidr, device or route tables.

routetype Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.routetype_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for routetype record

interface_route Table interface_id int4 10 null

Interface Id for iftable_vlan record. It maps to

targetm Table overwrite bool 1 null
routetype Table type text 2147483647 null

Value for route type.

device_match Table confidence int4 10 null

Confidence for any given match record. It is derived from profile.pattern_attribute for matching pattern_id and type_id. It is stored in device_match to make fetching profile information avoiding lookup against pattern_attribute.

device_values Table inroute bool 1 false

Not being used or populated.

target_shadow Table route_id int4 10 null

Route Id for target record. It maps to however, there is no foreign key relation specified for this column.

device_attribute Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.device_attribute_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for device_attribute record

certificate Table serial text 2147483647 null

Serial number of the certificate

device_snmpalias Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id of a device_snmpalias record. It maps to

device Table iftable_id int4 10 null

Id of interface table record that this device is associated to. A device having a non null value in this column is most likely a switch. iftable_id maps to

device Table mac macaddr 2147483647 null

MAC address of a device. MAC and meta flag has to be unique within a zone.

device_values Table internal bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if given device is internal for this zone. Set to true if internal, false otherwise. By internal, it means that the device is set under Zone->Zone Network->Internal List.

device_values Table leakinbound bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if given device responded to inboundLeak scan type. Set to true if it responded to inboundLeak, false otherwise.

target_hist Table device_id int4 10 null
target Table cidr_id int4 10 null

CIDR Id for target record. For each target CIDR entry, there will be one entry for host/path for collector that has host or path configured. It maps to

device_values Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id of a device_values record. It maps to

interface Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id for interface entry.

device_certificate Table last_update timestamp 29 now()
mapnode Table action_items text 2147483647 null

Action Items for mapnode record.

targetm Table route_id int4 10 null
config Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id for the config record

device_cloudalias Table last_update timestamp 29 now()

The most recent time when a device has responded with given cloud alias. It gets updated with current timestamp everytime a device response for cloud discovery is received for an alias.

firemon_risk_range Table risk text 2147483647 null
listsize_by_zone_view View ips text 2147483647 null
device_values Table hastraces bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if given device responded to pathDiscovery scan type. Set to true if it responded to pathDiscovery, false otherwise.

targetm Table cidr_id int4 10 null
scantype Table scantype text 2147483647 null

Value for scan type.

updates Table tbl text 2147483647 null
snmpalias Table collector_id int4 10 null

Collector Id for snmpalias record. It maps to

linkset Table layer text 2147483647 null

layer this linkset record presents. Valid values are '2' and '3'. Entries will be inserted as and when link with layer2 and/or layer3 are discovered.

device_wmialias Table wmialias_id int4 10 null

Id of a wmialias this record belongs to. It maps to

profiledata Table type_id int4 10 null
path Table results _text 2147483647 null
profile_translation Table attribute_id int4 10 null

Attribute Id for profiledatatype record.

target_hist Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.target_hist_id_seq'::regclass)
mapnode Table device_id int4 10 null

Device Id for this node.

device_response Table time timestamp 29 null

Time when a device response was received for given scan type and protocol.

mapnode Table tag text 2147483647 null

Tag value for mapnode record.

attribute Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id of an attribute record. It maps to column

interface Table voicevlan int4 10 null
attributeconfig View collector text 2147483647 null

This column shows the collector name and collector id for which the CIDR belongs to. It is represented as Collector name (collector id)

acknowledgeddevice Table acknowledged bool 1 null
link Table last_update timestamp 29 now()

Timestamp when this record was created/updated

device_pattern Table attribute_id int4 10 null

Not used.

iftable Table hash text 2147483647 null

A hash that uniquely identifes an interface table. It is constructed by concatenating all interface->physicaladdresses and interface->index with | and creating a hash out of it. For an incoming response, if a record with identity hash does not exist, new entry is inserted in iftable. If an entry is inserted while processing device level routes, hash is set to "device:"

device_profiledata Table port int4 10 null

Responding port (where applicable) for profiledata. Set to 0 for profile data types sysDescr, sysObjId and CIFS. Set to -1 for tcp (p0f). Set to the port that responded to this profiledata/banner for profile data type http (certificate)

certificatepath Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id for the certificatepath record

wmialias Table alias text 2147483647 null

Alias given for this credentials. This is the value that gets displayed on UI

updatetargetspace_log Table action text 2147483647 null

Type of action this updatetargetspace_log record represents. Valid values are: insert, update, delete.

link Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id for link record

wmialias Table collector_id int4 10 null

Collector Id for wmialias record. It maps to

target Table expandedconfig text 2147483647 null

Not being used.

target_highpriority Table expandedconfig text 2147483647 null
certificate Table signaturetype text 2147483647 null

Signature type of the certificate. For example RSA(4096), EC

link Table device_id1 int4 10 null

From Device Id for link record. It maps to

forwarders_range Table start1 int4 10 null

Start value for this range record

target_highpriority Table cidr_id int4 10 null
links View device_id2 int4 10 null
map Table zone_id int4 10 null
device_attribute Table attribute_cidr_id int4 10 null

Id of CIDR that represents device_attribute record. It is mainly populated for ASName attributetype but can be used for any attribute that would contain a cidr. It maps to

target_highpriority Table ordid float4 8 random()
target_hist Table zone_id int4 10 null
device_ports Table open_times hstore 2147483647 null

Key value pairs with port number and timestamp when port was reported open. Sample values - "80"=>"25048454", "135"=>"25048454"

edge Table zone_id int4 10 null
certificate Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.certificate_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for certificate record

interface Table name text 2147483647 null

Name of interface. It is normalized from device->interface->name.

route Table route cidr 2147483647 null

CIDR value for route

attributes View type text 2147483647 null

The name of the system attribute

profile_translation Table type_id int4 10 null

Type for profiledatatype record. Valid values are, tcp, http, sysObjectID, sysDescr, cifs.

interface Table bridge macaddr 2147483647 null

Bridge of interface. It is normalized from device->interface->switchInfo->bridge.

device Table identity text 2147483647 null

A metadata that further identifies a device, especially the ones that don't have IP Address or MAC address. Possible values include (but are not limited to) collector:* or stealth:*. When a stealth device is found, notation that is being used to populate identity is stealth:::. start is either c for collector, or a device id. end is either h for a host, or a device id. For collector, notation is collector:. It is a null allowed field and for most of the devices it is set to null.

device Table ip inet 2147483647 null

IP Address of a device. It can either be IPv4 or IPv6 IP Address. The combination of IP Address and meta flag has to be unique within a zone. That allows same IP Address to be stitched to itself. In that case, child record will have meta flag set to false, while parent record with the same IP Address will have meta flag set to true

target_hist Table batchid int4 10 null
device_match Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id of a device_match record. zone.device_match table is a parent table for all partitioned (by zone_id) zone_xxx.device_match tables. It maps to column

certificate Table certificatetype text 2147483647 null

Type of the certificate. For example SHA256withRSA, SHA1withRSA

certificatepath_pattern Table certificatepath_id int4 10 null

Id of certificatepath that this certificatepath matches. It maps to

route Table known bool 1 null

Boolean indicating if given route is in known CIDR list for this zone. Known CIDR list represents CIDRs set in Zone Networks => Known List. Set to true if it is known, false otherwise

interface Table vlan int4 10 null

Vlan of interface. It is normalized from device->interface->vlan as well as device->interface->switchInfo->vlans. If switchInfo contains vlan, it will use that instead of interface->vlan.

device Table firstobserved timestamp 29 now()

Timestamp a device was first observed. Timestamp refers to timestamp/timezone of database server

target_shadow Table detailsnew text 2147483647 null

Used to store target speicfic metadata. It holds extra configuration values that are being used by collectors.

path Table zone_id int4 10 null
device_profiledata Table profiledata_id int4 10 null

Id of a profiledata this record refers to. It maps to One profiledata_id can be shared across multiple devices.

acknowledgeddevice Table zone_id int4 10 null
device_vendor View zone_id int4 10 null
acknowledgeddevice Table user_id int4 10 null
target Table route_id int4 10 null

Route Id for target record. It maps to

profiledatatype Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.profiledatatype_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for profiledatatype record

iftable Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.iftable_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for interfacetable record

attributeconfig View zone text 2147483647 null

This column shows the zone name and zone id for which the CIDR belongs to. It is represented as zone name (zone id)

device Table lastupdate text 2147483647 null

Indicates how or why of the last update for this. It only retains the reason for the last update that happened to this device. For example, when an interface table data is processed for the first time, IP Address for that interface data gets lastupdate set to iftable-dev, however, while processing later response, if we got another update, we will then set the lastupdate to later response code. Possible values are: ident-ins - This value will be set if device with given identity doesn't exist in db and incoming device does not have IP associated with it. This will be mostly be true for all stealth devices. As we discover them, we insert them in db with lastupdate set to ident-ins identip-ins - very similar to ident-ins, This value will be seen if device with given identity does not exist in db and incoming device contains an IP Address. This will be true for collector device identip-upd - This value will be set when a response comes in for collector or stealth and there is no device in db with that entity. However, since IP Address exists in the database, we update existing database device and set its last update to identip-upd iftable-dev - This value will be set when a device interface table data is processed, one IP Address gets picked from available interface addresses and entry is created in device table for that IP Address and lastupdate for that device gets set to iftable-dev (along with meta to be true and iftable_id to be interface table id for this interface data) intf-ip-ins - This value will be set when a device interface data is processed, entries in interface->addresses (these are interface IP Addresses) and interface->physicalAddress (these are interface macs) gets inserted as devices. Their lastupdate is set to intf-ip-ins and device_id is set to id of device for that interface table data intf-ip-upd - This value will be set when while processing device interface data, if entry exists in the database for either interface->addresses or interface->physicaladdress but assigned to different device, (device_id is not same as id of interface device that we are processing), device for this IP or MAC gets updated with lastupdate set to intf-ip-upd and device_id set to id of interface device that is getting processed if IP Address exists in the database that is also contained in interface->addresess, database entry for that IP gets updated with lastupdate set to intf-ip-upd and device_id set to id of interface device that is getting processed and null mac ip - This value will be set when a device is discovered for the first time layer2-hosts - This value will be set when all MAC addresses present in interface->switchInfo->hosts get inserted into device table with lastupdate set to layer2-hosts. are almost always devices with null ip macip-arp - This value will be set When a device interface data is processed, all ARP entries (present in device->interface->hosts (as MAC/IP pairs)), where both MAC or IP does not exist in the database, gets inserted in to device table (with few exceptions) with lastupdate set to macip-arp snm-cons-ip - This value will be set for the device if serial number is present in response attributes and IP Address does not exist in database (we don't stitch devices on serial number if they have an interface table) snm-cons-meta - This value will be set ff serial number is present in response attributes and IP Address that exists in database does not have any parent device_id associated with it, we create a parent device for the same IP and set last update to snm-cons-meta for this parent IP and set meta to true snmp-macip - There are few scenarios when a device.lastupdate gets set to snmp-macip: 1. When a device response contains ARP entries and for a given arp entry (MAC/IP pair), if device with either of the MAC address or IP Address does not exist in the database, a device entry is created with lastupdate set to snmp-macip - This is really synonymous to macip-arp and might need to change it to macip-arp 2. When a device response contains ARP entries and for a given arp entry (MAC/IP pair), if device exists in the database with IP that is in MAC/IP pair, however no device exists in the database with MAC from MAC/IP pair, and database device with IP does not have a MAC associated with it, that database device gets updated with MAC from arp entry and lastupdate is set to snmp-macip 3. When a device response contains ARP entries and for a given arp entry (MAC/IP pair), if two separate devices exist in the database (one with IP set to arp IP and another one with MAC set to arp MAC) and none of the devices in the database are consolidated (their device_id is null) and if IP device in database also has a MAC (different then the one in arp entry), update database device with arp IP and set its IP Address to null and lastupdate to snmp-macip and ident set to "unassigned:" (Side note: Device in database with arp MAC gets updated and its IP is set to arp IP) snmp-macip-assign snmp-macip-reassign

linkset Table hosts bool 1 null

Boolean indicating whether this linkset record refers to hosts or nodes. Set to true for hosts, false otherwise.

snmpalias Table aliasorder bigserial 19 nextval('zone.snmpalias_collector_order_seq'::regclass)

Used to order aliases, use the default, do not write directly

mapnode Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.mapnode_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for mapnode record

certificate Table port int4 10 null
profile_translation Table pattern_id int4 10 null

Pattern Id for profiledatatype record

route Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.route_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for route record

target_highpriority Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.target_highpriority_id_seq'::regclass)
route Table last_update timestamp 29 now()

Timestamp when this route record was created/updated

updates Table op text 2147483647 null
device_pattern Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id of a device_pattern record. It maps to column

device_attribute Table device_id int4 10 null

Id of a device this attribute belongs to. It maps to

profiledatatype Table type text 2147483647 null

Type for profiledatatype record. Valid values are, tcp, http, sysObjectID, sysDescr, cifs.

target_shadow Table last_target timestamp 29 null
device_ports Table open _int4 10 null

List of all ports that are reported open for a device. Please see table description for more information.

mapnode Table map_id int4 10 null

Id of map this mapnode record refers to.

updatetargetspace_log Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id for updatetargetspace_log record.

config Table collector_id int4 10 null

Collector Id for this config record. It maps to

target_highpriority Table target_id int4 10 null
updates Table time timestamp 29 now()
profile_translation Table newattribute_id int4 10 null

Newattribute Id for profiledatatype record.

device Table macvendor_id int4 10 null

Id of macvendor of a device. It maps to

target_shadow Table last_update timestamp 29 now()
targetm Table cidrval cidr 2147483647 null
device_response Table device_id int4 10 null

Id of a device this record belongs to. It maps to

target Table collector_id int4 10 null

Collector Id for target record. It maps to

listsize_by_zone_view View listtype text 2147483647 null
mapnode Table xcoord float4 8 null

X coordinate value for mapnode record.

edge Table interface_id2 int4 10 null
profiledata_pattern Table pattern_id int4 10 null

Pattern Id for profiledata_pattern record. It maps to

device_pattern Table device_id int4 10 null

Id of a device this pattern match belongs to. It maps to

nackcandidate Table zone_id int4 10 null
target Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id for target record. It maps to

device_pattern Table certificatepath_id int4 10 null

Id of pattern that contains a match for given profile type record. It contains a non null value for all matches resulted from http (certificate). It maps to

certificate Table chainid int8 19 null
map Table user_id int4 10 null
device_pattern Table profiledata_id int4 10 null

Id of profiledata that is matched against this device and pattern record. It maps to It contains a non null value for all matches resulted from snmp (sysDescr, sysObj), CIFS, tcp (p0f) responses.

device_values Table l2peers int2 5 0

Indicates number of layer2 nodes this device is connected to. In other words, there are l2peers number of layer2 edges between this device and other devices that are not hosts.

routeprotocol Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.routeprotocol_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for routeprotocol record

device_profiledata Table type_id int4 10 null

Id of a profiledata type this record refers to. It maps to Valid values for zone.profiledatatype.type are sysDescr, sysObjectID, tcp, http, cifs.

attributes View attribute_id int4 10 null

Id for value of the system attribute. This maps to zone.attribute.attributetype_id

interface Table index int4 10 null

Index of interface. It is normalized from device->interface->index.

interface_route Table withdrawn bool 1 false

Has this route been withdrawn by the discovering routing protocol (currently only BGP supports this)

attributes View device_id int4 10 null

Id of the device for which the attribute is saved.

interface Table opstatus int4 10 null

Optstatus of interface. It is normalized from device->interface->opstatus.

certificate Table version int4 10 null

Version of the certificate

interface Table port int4 10 null

Port of interface. It is normalized from device->interface->switchInfo->port.

profile_translation Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.profile_translation_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for profiledatatype record

config Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.config_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for config record

edge Table node_id2 int4 10 null
interface Table alias text 2147483647 null

Alias of interface. It is normalized from device->interface->alias.

edge Table node_id1 int4 10 null
certificatepath_pattern Table pattern_id int4 10 null

Id of pattern that this certificatepath matches. It maps to

target_hist Table cidr_id int4 10 null
links View device2 text 2147483647 null
interface_address Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.interface_address_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for interface_address record.

target Table device_id int4 10 null

Device Id for target record. It maps to

links View hosts bool 1 null
edge Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.edge_id_seq'::regclass)
device_values Table ips int2 5 0

Not being used or populated.

target_hist Table action text 2147483647 null
target Table details text 2147483647 null

Used to store target speicfic metadata. It holds extra configuration values that are being used by collectors.

mapnode Table asset_reference text 2147483647 null

Asset Reference value for mapnode record.

target Table last_target timestamp 29 null

Timestamp when this target was picked up by a collector last. It is set to null when it is yet to be picked up. When collector asks for next set of records, records with null last_target will get picked up first. If value is non null, targets will be picked up if time elapsed since last_update is greater than rescan interval of a collector.

device_response Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id of a device_response record. It maps to

updates Table zone_id int4 10 null
attribute_cidr Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id for attribute_cidr record

device Table active bool 1 null

Boolean flag that is set to true each time when a device is discovered and when a response is received for that device. It is set to false when no response is received for the device for 3 consecutive rescan intervals

device_match Table type_id int4 10 null

Id of a profile type for given match record. It maps to profile.type. Valid values for profile.type are Device Type, OS, Model, Version, Vendor

wmialias Table aliasorder bigserial 19 nextval('zone.wmialias_collector_order_seq'::regclass)

Used to order aliases, use the default, do not write directly

interface Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.interface_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for interfacetable record.

attribute Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.attribute_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for attribute record

device_wmialias Table device_id int4 10 null

Id of a device this record belongs to. It maps to

nackcandidate Table mac macaddr 2147483647 null
attributeconfig View attribute text 2147483647 null

Indicates the attribute value when user adds a Custom Attribute

certificate Table subject_id int4 10 null

Id for data referencing certificate subject. It maps to

certificate Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id for the certificate record

device_values Table l3hosts int4 10 0

Indicates number of layer3 hosts this device is connected to. In other words, there are l3hosts number of layer3 edges between this device and other devices that are hosts.

certificate Table extensions text 2147483647 null

Not being used.

cloudalias Table collector_id int4 10 null

Collector Id for cloudalias record. It maps to

device_match Table device_id int4 10 null

Id of a device this attribute belongs to. It maps to

interface Table physicaladdress macaddr 2147483647 null

Physical address of interface. It is normalized from device->interface->physicalAddress.

cloudalias Table credential text 2147483647 null

Credentials for cloudalias record. Credentials are stored in following format: <cloud provider for credential(aws)>:alias name:encoded credentials.

profiles View source text 2147483647 null
profiles View ip inet 2147483647 null
forwarders_range Table end1 int4 10 null

End value for this range record

linkset Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.linkset_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for linkset record

protocol_numbers Table protocol text 2147483647 null
wmialias Table zone_id int4 10 null

Zone Id for wmialias record. It maps to

interface_route Table first_observed timestamptz 35 now()

Timestamp when this route was first seen. If the route is expired out and recreated, this will be the timestamp from when we last created it.

interface_route Table id serial 10 nextval('zone.interface_route_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for interface_route record.

config Table value text 2147483647 null

Configuration value for a given key, within a collector and zone

target_hist Table route_id int4 10 null
device_cloudalias Table cloudalias_id int4 10 null

Id of a cloudalias this record belongs to. It maps to

device_profiledata Table device_id int4 10 null

Id of a device this record belongs to. It maps to