

This table contains a list of attributes discovered in a zone. It is parent table that is partitioned over zone schema. Example: Attributes discovered in zone id 2 will reside in zone_0002.attribute. This table contains all the metadata that is collected for a device. For example, snmp attributes, ASName, dnsname, cifsName. This table is a normalized table hence, same value of attribute can be associated with multiple devices within a zone. This mapping is stored in device_attribute table.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id serial 10 nextval('zone.attribute_id_seq'::regclass)
attribute_cidr.attribute_id fk_attrcidr_attr R
device_attribute.attribute_id fk_devattr_attr R

Unique identifier for attribute record

zone_id int4 10 null fk_attr_zone R

Zone Id of an attribute record. It maps to column

attribute text 2147483647 null

Value of discovered meta data/attribute.

attributetype_id int4 10 null fk_attr_attrtype R

Id that denotes what type of attribute this record indicates. It maps to column. Example values for attributetypes - cifsName, sysDescr, ASName, SerialNumber, known, avoid. For complete list, please see system.attributetype table.

Table contained 0 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
pk_attr Primary key Asc id
idx_attr_attr_hash Performance Asc attribute
idx_attribute_attribute_type_id Performance Asc attributetype_id
uk_attr_unique Must be unique Asc attributetype_id
