

This table contains mapping of device to all the patterns that it matched. It contains a record for every response that matched any pattern in the database. It is parent table that is partitioned over zone schema.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
zone_id int4 10 null fk_device_pattern_zone C

Zone Id of a device_pattern record. It maps to column

device_id int4 10 null fk_device_pattern_device C

Id of a device this pattern match belongs to. It maps to

pattern_id int4 10 null

Id of pattern that contains a match for given device response record. It maps to

port_match bool 1 null

A boolean flag that is set to true if pattern that matched is result of match against services. Services patterns are the ones that are based on certain ports being open. So, if we find open ports and they match with any patterns, port_match is set to true

profiledata_id int4 10 null

Id of profiledata that is matched against this device and pattern record. It maps to It contains a non null value for all matches resulted from snmp (sysDescr, sysObj), CIFS, tcp (p0f) responses.

attribute_id int4 10 null

Not used.

certificatepath_id int4 10 null

Id of pattern that contains a match for given profile type record. It contains a non null value for all matches resulted from http (certificate). It maps to

macvendor_id int4 10 null

Id of pattern that contains a match for given profile type record. It contains a non null value for all matches resulted from macvendor. It maps to

Table contained 0 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
pk_device_pattern Primary key Asc/Asc device_id + pattern_id
