

This table contains list of all open and closed ports responses that collector interface received for a device. It holds one record for each device that responded to port discovery. It is parent table that is partitioned over zone schema. Once a port is found open or closed, it will only be removed from the list if we get a different response back from that port. For example, At time t1, device A received a response with open ports 22 and 23 and at time t2 received another response with open port 43, after time t2, it will contain all ports 22,23,43 for device A. This is due to the fact that this table contains responses aggregated at zone level. If collector one sees port 22 open and collector 2 sees port 43 open, both ports should be reported as open for device A, hence record contains all three ports. open_times for each port records time at which given port was reported as open. closed and closed times follow similar pattern and contains a list of closed ports reported at all times and time a port was reported as closed respectively.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
zone_id int4 10 null fk_device_ports_zone R

Zone Id of a device_ports record. It maps to

device_id int4 10 null fk_device_ports_device C

Id of a device this record belongs to. It maps to

open _int4 10 null

List of all ports that are reported open for a device. Please see table description for more information.

closed _int4 10 null

List of all ports that are reported closed for a device. Please see table description for more information.

open_times hstore 2147483647 null

Key value pairs with port number and timestamp when port was reported open. Sample values - "80"=>"25048454", "135"=>"25048454"

closed_times hstore 2147483647 null

Key value pairs with port number and timestamp when port was reported closed. Sample values - "21"=>"25048310", "23"=>"25048310", "25"=>"25048310"≠

Table contained 0 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
pk_device_ports Primary key Asc device_id
