

This table contains a list of all interface addresses discovered in a zone. It is parent table that is partitioned over zone schema. Example: Interface address records discovered for zone id 2 will reside in zone_0002.interface_address. Each entry for device->interface->addresses gets normalized into a record in this table. Same results could have been achieved by having this data point as a column in interface table so don't quite understand purpose of this table. An entry is inserted in this table each time a new interface table data is processed (as part of snmp response processing). Entry gets updated when interface response contains updated address.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id serial 10 nextval('zone.interface_address_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for interface_address record.

zone_id int4 10 null fk_ifaddr_zone R

Zone Id for interface address record.

interface_id int4 10 null fk_ifaddr_intf_intf C

Id of interface that contains this interface address.

ip inet 2147483647 null

IP address of interface.

Table contained 0 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
pk_ifaddr_intf Primary key Asc id
idx_interface_addr_interface_id Performance Asc interface_id
idx_interface_address_ip Performance Asc ip
