

This table contains layout and other custom information for all nodes of a saved map. It is parent table that is partitioned over zone schema. This table only gets populated if a Map is saved. This table is solely created to support Map display functionality and is not used for any device related processing.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id serial 10 nextval('zone.mapnode_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for mapnode record

zone_id int4 10 null fk_mapnode_zone R

Zone Id for mapnode record. It maps to

map_id int4 10 null

Id of map this mapnode record refers to.

device_id int4 10 null

Device Id for this node.

xcoord float4 8,8 null

X coordinate value for mapnode record.

ycoord float4 8,8 null

Y coordinate value for mapnode record.

width float4 8,8 null

Width value for mapnode record.

height float4 8,8 null

Height value for mapnode record.

label text 2147483647 null

Label value for mapnode record.

tag text 2147483647 null

Tag value for mapnode record.

asset_reference text 2147483647 null

Asset Reference value for mapnode record.

action_items text 2147483647 null

Action Items for mapnode record.

acknowledged bool 1 false

Boolean flag indicating if this map node has being acknowledged.

acknowledged_time timestamp 29,6 now()

Timestamp when given map node record was acknowledged. Set only if mapnode.acknowledged is set to true.

Table contained 0 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
mapnode_pkey Primary key Asc id
